Monday, August 3, 2009

Jar Jar Binks is no more!

Finally, a movie has created characters more revoltingly racially tinged than Jar Jar Binks.

Meet Skids and Mudflaps from "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen". Acting like stereotypes from films of the 30s and 40s, these characters are no better than if Bay had simply hired two guys in blackface.

Sitting through these two was really uncomfortable -- and that's in addition to all the other awfulness of the film.

The capper was that the two Stepin Fetchit characters are also illiterate, further cementing the stereotype.

Asked for comment, Michael Bay stated, "We're just putting more personality in. ... I don't know if it's stereotypes. They are robots by the way."

Please. You don't know if they are stereotypes? And dismissing it with a comment about the characters being robots is the same as George Lucas having dismissed the egregiously racist Jar Jar as being "just an alien".

I wonder what would have happened had Bay used two stereotyped "Jewish" robots with sidelocks, rolling around kvetching about how much things cost while all the time sounding like Jackie Mason.

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